TFORM.EXE Tform is a simple numerical ASCII search and replace program. You pass TForm a filename to format, the ASCII code of the char to replace, and any number of characters to replace it with. Usage is as follows: tform filename fromnumber tonumber(s). Some examples: tform test.txt 13 -1 (This will delete all carriage returns in the file test.txt.) tform foobar.txt 09 32 32 32 32 (This will change all tabs in foobar.txt to four spaces.) Tform is primarily intended to be used from a batch file. Output is in file 1$2$3$4$.5$6 which can then be copied over the input file and deleted. Included example batch files are UNIX2DOS.BAT and DOS2UNIX.BAT. The first changes UNIX newlines (linefeeds only) to DOS newlines (carriage return + linefeed). The second changes DOS newlines to UNIX newlines. ---Handy ASCII values:--- Tab=09 Linefeed=10 Formfeed=12 CarriageReturn=13 Space=32 '0'=48, ... '9'=57 'A'=65, ... 'Z'=90 'a'=97, ... 'z'=122 SPECIAL VALUE FOR DELETION: -1 (Use the -1 'character' to delete a character, as in the example above.)